In most emergencies, you should be able to stay in your home. Plan to be able to look after yourself and your household for at least three days or more. Assemble and maintain your emergency survival items for your home as well as a portable getaway kit in case you have to leave in a hurry. You should also have essential emergency items in your workplace and in your car.
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- Torch or other emergency lighting with spare batteries or a self-charging torch
- Radio with spare batteries
- Wind and waterproof clothing, sun hats, and strong outdoor shoes.
- First aid kit and essential medicines
- Emergency blankets or sleeping bags
- Pet supplies
- Toilet paper and large rubbish bags for your emergency toilet
- Face and dust masks
Check all batteries every three months. Battery powered lighting is the safest and easiest. Do not use candles as they can tip over in earthquake aftershocks or in a gust of wind. Do not use kerosene lamps, which require a great deal of ventilation and are not designed for indoor use.
Food and water for at least three days
- Non-perishable food (canned or dried food)
- Food, formula and drinks for babies and small children
- Water for drinking. At least 3 litres per person, per day
- Water for washing and cooking
- An emergency stove, primus or gas barbeque to cook on
- A can opener
Check and replace food and water every twelve months. Consider stocking a two-week supply of food and water for prolonged emergencies such as a pandemic.
In some emergencies, you may need to evacuate in a hurry. Everyone should have a grab bag or packed getaway kit in an easily accessible place at home and at work which includes:
- Torch and radio with spare batteries
- Any special needs such as hearing aids and spare batteries, glasses or mobility aids
- Emergency water and easy-to-carry food rations such as energy bars and dried foods in case there are delays in reaching a welfare centre or a place where you might find support. If you have any special dietary requirements, ensure you have extra supplies
- First aid kit and essential medicines
- Essential items for infants or young children such as formula and food, nappies and a favourite toy
- Change of clothes (wind/waterproof clothing and strong outdoor shoes)
- Toiletries – towel, soap, toothbrush, sanitary items, toilet paper
- Blankets or sleeping bags
- Face and dust masks
- Pet supplies
Include important documents in your getaway kit: identification (birth and marriage certificates, driver’s licences and passports), financial documents (e.g. insurance policies and mortgage information), and precious family photos.
If someone you care for is injured in a disaster, your knowledge of first aid will be invaluable. Many organisations provide first aid training courses. Consider taking a first aid course, followed by regular refresher sessions. You can buy ready-made first aid kits or make up your own.
More Info
- See our full Emergency Preparedness Guide.
- Browse our range of civil defence and emergency survival products.